Septic Only Permit # 2023-0892, App. # App-2023-000992, UID # 208869
App. Status: Approved
Aitkin County Planning & Zoning / Environmental Services
307 Second St. NW Room 219
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone: 218-927-7342
Fax: 218-927-4372

Contact Information

Applicant contact information:
Cynthia Olson
(218820 - 8886
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
30477 State Hwy 47
Aitkin MN 56431
Are you the Property Owner? No

Property Owner Contact

Property Owner Phone:
(218820 - 8886
Property Owner Email:

Property Location

Property Location:
Property LocationLegal DescriptionProperty AttributesOwner InformationTax Payer Information
Parcel NumberProperty AddressTownship or City NameLegal DescriptionPlat NameSection-Township-RangeLake ClassLake NameOwner Name(s)Taxpayer Name(s)
09-1-07980030525 336th Ln
AITKIN, MN 56431
Enter directions to the property (if no address assigned):
Please use your GPS for the most accurate directions.

Septic Type

Select the system you are applying for:
Residential Other/Performance (Type 3)

Design Information

Attach Septic Design & Management Plan:
Designer Name:
NameLicense #ExpirationPhoneAddressDesigner
Liljenquist Sewer & Excavating, Inc.L12703/31/2024320-684-2024 29800 310th Pl, Aitkin MN 56431Yes

Operating Permit

Attach the Operating Permit Application & Maintenance Contract:


Self Install or Licensed Install?: Licensed Septic Installer
Licensed Installer Name:
NameLicense #ExpirationPhoneAddressInspectorInstallerMaintainerService Provider
Liljenquist Sewer & Excavating, Inc.L12703/31/2024320-684-2024 29800 310th Pl, Aitkin MN 56431NoYesNoNo


Septic Permit General Terms & Conditions
  • The septic installer shall notify Aitkin County Environmental Services a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours before the covering of any portion of the septic installation. Changes from the approved septic design will require approval by the County prior to construction.

  • It shall be a violation of the Aitkin County Zoning Ordinance to commence construction before the permit application is approved by Aitkin County.

  • Property lines, septic sites, wells, and road right-of-ways must be clearly defined with flags, ribbon, or lathe prior to onsite inspection by Aitkin County.

  • Zoning permits and Subsurface Sewage Treatment System permits are valid for one (1) year (unless the sewage permit is to upgrade an Imminent Threat to Public Health or Safety system, which is then valid for ten (10) months).

  • The landowner or authorized agent may make application for a zoning permit agreeing to do such work in accordance with all Aitkin County Ordinances. The landowner or authorized agent agrees that the application, site plan, and all other attachments submitted herewith are true and accurate and shall become a part of the permit. The landowner or authorized agent agrees that, in making application for a zoning permit, the landowner grants permission to Aitkin County, at reasonable times, to enter the property to determine compliance of the application with applicable Local, County or State Ordinances or Statutes. It is the applicants sole responsibility to contact other Local, County or State agencies to ensure the applicant has complied with all relevant Local, County or State Ordinances or Statutes.

  • After a complete application is submitted and reviewed, an on-site inspection may be conducted; a permit may be issued describing the proposed construction that may take place on the property. Changes to a project may require a permit application to be resubmitted.

  • Applicants are responsible for getting all applicable entrance permits from the appropriate road authority.

  • Applicants acknowledge that they are in compliance with MN Contractor Licensing laws per MN Statute 326B.85.

  • I acknowledge that by submitting this application, the application and its attachments are public information.

Invoice #58561 (09/04/2023)

Charge Cost Quantity Total
added 09/04/2023 11:59 AM

$150.00 x 1 $150.00
added 09/04/2023 11:59 AM

$400.00 x 1 $400.00
Grand Total
Total $550.00
Payment 09/04/2023$550.00
Action: Print  


ApplicantLarry Liljenquist - 09/04/2023 11:59 AM
#1 Adminstrative Approval GroupShannon Wiebusch - 09/05/2023 4:08 PM
#3 Final ApprovalConnor Plagge - 09/12/2023 8:56 AM
#2 Inspector GroupKevin Turnock - 09/11/2023 4:01 PM
Application has been approved. All signatures have been obtained.
Permit #48200

Approved for a 2 bdrm Type III mound septic with operating permit #860
    Date application was complete: 09/04/2023
    This review has been started by: Shannon Wiebusch
    Zoning District of project location: Shoreland
    Required OHWL setback distance:
    "Other" OHWL setback distance is:
    Pumping Agreement Attached?
    Low Interest Loan or SSTS Grant project?
    Is this an After-The-Fact application? No
    Is the parcel a Lot of Record before 1-21-92 or have alternate sites been identified? Yes
    Design Reviewed By: Kevin Turnock
    SSTS Type: Type III
    SSTS Design: "Other"/Performance System (III, IV, V)
    New or Replacement SSTS: Replacement SSTS
    GPD: 1-2,499 gpd
    # of bedrooms: 2
    Is this a Cluster System? No
    Does this system belong to an Other Establishment? No
    Does this system require an Operating Permit? Yes
    Operating Permit #: 860
    Additional info (optional):
      Self Install?
      Installer Name:
      NameLicense #ExpirationPhoneAddressInspectorInstallerMaintainerService Provider
      Liljenquist Sewer & Excavating, Inc.L12703/31/2024320-684-2024 29800 310th Pl, Aitkin MN 56431NoYesNoNo
      # of New Tanks: 1
      # of Existing Tanks: 1
      Date of Final Inspection: 09/22/2023
      Attach Final Certificate of Installation:
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