Land Alteration Permit # 47101, App. # App-2022-009139, UID # 205744
App. Status: Approved
Aitkin County Planning & Zoning / Environmental Services
307 Second St. NW Room 219
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone: 218-927-7342
Fax: 218-927-4372

Contact Information

If we have questions on the application who should we contact?
Shaune Macho
(320980 - 2195
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
PO Box 69
Pine City MN 55063
Are you the Property Owner? No

Property Owner Contact

Property Owner Phone Number:
(320224 - 2991
Property Owner Email Address:

Project Location Search

Property LocationLegal DescriptionProperty AttributesOwner InformationTax Payer Information
Parcel NumberProperty AddressTownship or City NameLegal DescriptionPlat NameSection-Township-RangeLake ClassLake NameOwner Name(s)Taxpayer Name(s)
29-1-50610050967 202nd Pl
Driving directions to the property from Aitkin.:
169 to 210 to 65 to 14 to 201st ave . Property on Left .

Project Description

Please describe your proposed project:
area to be excavated is 105' x 50' x 12". Excavating approx 180-200 cubic yards.  Erosion control to include silt fence prior and during, hydroseed or erosion blanket post project.
Will you be removing vegetation during this project? Yes

Site Drawing(s)

Land Alteration Site Sketch Checklist:
Location and size of all existing structures.
Location and size of all proposed structures.
Location of all driveways and/or access roads.
Location of wetlands.
Location and size of alteration.
Location of erosion control measures.
Location of fill disposal, if done on site.
Distance of alteration to OHWL (closest point)
Distance of alteration to property lines.
Distance of alteration to existing structures.
Distance of alteration to proposed structures.
Cross-section of cut and/or fill locations.
Attach a copy of your Site Sketch(s):

Vegetation Removal

Number of Trees to be removed: 0
Number of Shrubs to be removed: 0
Type of Clearing Used?
(Check all that apply)
Mechanical Clearing
Please explain:
bobcat to drop the grade and mini excavator for same purpose and to remove boulders

Excavation Details

Nature of Material to be used?
(Check all that apply)
Black Dirt
If other, please explain:
apply to areas disturbed for revegetation
Total Amount of Excavation and/or Fill proposed? (cubic yards) 180 CuYd
Total Area to be Graded and/or Filled? (L x W) 3150 ft2
Attach a photo of the area to be altered (as it exists today).:

Erosion Control Practices

Indicate the following erosion control measures that
will be used throughout and after your project?
(Check all that apply)
Silt Fence
Seeding and/or Mulching
Describe how you intend to implement this plan
and your finished vegetation plan.:
after excavation is complete we will reseed with fescue and bluegrass immediately


General Terms Zoning Permits
  • All appropriate permit fees must be paid in full prior to any necessary review(s) of application.

  • Defining and staking the property lines, road right-of-ways, septic sites, and wells are the responsibility of the property owner. In some cases, a registered survey may be required to verify setbacks before granting a permit.

  • To ensure that earth moving and vegetation removal is within ordinance guidelines, and to ensure activity on your property does not negatively impact the lake or other properties, you may be required to provide additional drawings of your site plan.

  • I acknowledge that by submitting this application, the application and its attachments are public information.

Land Use/Septic General Terms
  • Zoning permits and Subsurface Sewage Treatment System permits are valid for one (1) year (unless the sewage permit is to upgrade an Imminent Threat to Public Health or Safety system, which is then valid for ten (10) months).

  • If property lines are not clearly marked and visible, then they need to be staked with visible flags, ribbon, or lathes prior to onsite inspection by Aitkin County.

  • It shall be a violation of the Aitkin County Zoning Ordinance to commence construction before the permit application is approved by Aitkin County.

  • The landowner or authorized agent may make application for a zoning permit agreeing to do such work in accordance with all Aitkin County Ordinances. The landowner or authorized agent agrees that the application, site plan, and all other attachments submitted herewith are true and accurate and shall become a part of the permit. The landowner or authorized agent agrees that, in making application for a zoning permit, the landowner grants permission to Aitkin County, at reasonable times, to enter the property to determine compliance of the application with applicable Local, County or State Ordinances or Statutes. It is the applicants sole responsibility to contact other Local, County or State agencies to ensure the applicant has complied with all relevant Local, County or State Ordinances or Statutes.

  • After a complete application is submitted and reviewed, an on-site inspection may be conducted; a permit may be issued describing the proposed construction that may take place on the property. Changes to a project may require a permit application to be resubmitted.

  • Applicants are responsible for getting all applicable entrance permits from the appropriate road authority.

Invoice #55526 (06/30/2022)

Charge Cost Quantity Total
added 06/30/2022 4:25 PM

$200 Flat Fee

$200.00 x 5 $1,000.00
Grand Total
Total $1,000.00
Payment 06/30/2022$200.00
Payment 07/14/2022$800.00


ApplicantJeff Jahnz - 07/14/2022 12:13 PM
#1 Adminstrative Approval GroupHenry Egland - 07/15/2022 8:22 AM
#2 Inspector GroupHenry Egland - 07/15/2022 8:24 AM
#3 Final ActionSarah McMillan - 07/15/2022 8:42 AM
Application has been approved. All signatures have been obtained.

Public Notes

Approved for after-the-fact land alteration.

Work to be done by October 1st, 2022

Internal Notes

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