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Aitkin County Environmental Services
Planning & Zoning

307 Second St. NW, Room 219
Aitkin, MN 56431

Subsurface Sewage Treatment System

Operating Permit

Gordon & Christy Powers
Operating Permit#
OP 2024-76
8030 Meadowood Drive, Rockford, MN 55373
Application #
27895 438th Ln
Type 3
Date Issued
Expiration Date
Mottles at 8" Constructed on old mound site ( disturbed soils )
Type III 3 bedroom mound with 3 ft of washed sand under 10' x 38' rockbed.
Brummer Septic LLC
Effluent Limits Frequency
*Design Flow (gpd) 450 Monthly Read Event Counter
*Ponding/Surfacing in Soil Treatment None allowed Annually Mound

Read once a month or when present, calibrate pump out gallons, measure pump tank and calculation gallons pumped out per event, calibrate system when installed and in operation. Check calibration number at 1st year inspection and every one after. Report monthly readings to Aitkin Co or inspector, keep records of monthly readings, once a year submit report to Aitkin Co.
System Component
Maintenance Frequency
*Septic Tank/Trash Tank Owner to record and date the readings of the elapsed time meter and cycle counter - monthly readings, Inspector to check septic tank and compartments for solids buildup and general appearance Per Management Plan, Annually
*Pump Tank and Controls Inspector to check pumping system, including control panel and floats Annually
*Soil Treatment and Dispersal Inspect for visible signs of failure (surface discharge, soggy ground, wet spots, settling, etc),If liquid level monitors are installed, levels will be observed and recorded Annually,Annually

Monitoring Protocol

Any sampling and laboratory testing procedures shall be performed in accordance with the proprietary treatment product's protocol, Standard Methods, and at a Minnesota Department of Health approved laboratory. Results shall be submitted to the permitting authority at: Aitkin County Environmental Services, 307 2nd St NW, Room 219, Aitkin, MN 56431 no later than the expiration date listed.

Contingency Plan

In the event the wastewater treatment system does not meet required performance requirements as contained in this operating permit, the owner shall notify Aitkin County Environmental Services within thirty (30) days of receiving non-compliant information. The owner is responsible to obtain the services of a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) licensed Service Provider or other qualified practitioner to complete the required corrective measures


Aitkin County Environmental Services authorizes the Permittee to operate a wastewater treatment and dispersal system at the address named above in accordance with the requirements of this operating permit, attached Management Plan and contract with the Service Provider/Inspector.

This permit is effective on the issuance date identified above. This permit and the authorization to treat and disperse wastewater shall expire on the expiration date identified above. The Permittee is not authorized to discharge after the above date of expiration. The Permittee shall submit monitoring information on forms as required by Aitkin County Environmental Services no later than thirty (30) days prior to the above date of expiration for operating permit renewal. This permit is not transferable.

The owner is required to obtain the services of a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) licensed and trained: 1) Service Provider or Inspector to provide ongoing system operation, maintenance, and monitoring and 2) Maintainer to pump the system's sewage tanks and components. The owner is responsible to provide the name of the Service Provider or Inspector business prior to the issuance of this operating permit. The owner has secured the services of Brummer Septic LLC as the Service Provider or Inspector for this system. The Service Provider or Inspector is hereby authorized to provide the required monitoring data and routine maintenance service records to both Aitkin County Environmental Services.

[For systems that generate high strength wastewater, the following items should be added to the operating permit: 'If there is a change of use within the facility (i.e., change in menu, increase in food capacity, change in water use fixtures, etc.), the permittee is required to notify Aitkin County Environmental Services and the Service Provider before any changes occurs. Changes to the facility that could potentially impact performance of the wastewater treatment and dispersal system shall not take place until appropriate evaluation has been completed.']

I hereby certify with my signature as the Permittee that I understand the provisions of the wastewater treatment and dispersal system operating permit including maintenance and monitoring requirements. I agree to indemnify and hold Aitkin County harmless from all loss, damages, costs and charges that may be incurred by the use of this system. If I fail to comply with the provisions of this operation permit, I understand that penalties may be issued. If I sell this property during the life of the permit, I will inform the new owner(s) of the permit requirements and the need to renew the operating permit.

The Operating Permit is hereby granted to:
Gordon Powers
2024/09/26 10:18 AM
Permitting Authority
Shannon Wiebusch
2024/09/26 04:25 PM